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Thrills and Skills DYBA Fundraiser

Writer's picture: Sid SteeleSid Steele

A different type of event was held at Dolphin IBC on 19th March as a fundraiser for the DYBA. Teams of 4 were challenged to attempt some of the skills tests regularly tackled by young bowlers at Dolphin. 10 teams accepted the challenge paying £20 per team into the DYBA funds. The skills tested included skittles, targets, jack rolling and even football. There were 11 skills to test the bowlers and they scored points towards their own score and the team total.

When all teams had completed the challenges the scores were totalled and the winning team were the Crusaders comprising of Alan, Robert and John Pinckett assisted by Barry Walters. The “Super Star” was Alan Pinckett who scored 1560 points, a mammoth total.

A big part of the fund raising was the huge raffle organised and run by Millie and her mother Sandra which took over £250.

Trophies and certificates were awarded to the winning team and “Super Star” by Tony Ives, Chairman of the DYBA. Tony also thanked Dolphin IBC, who charge no rink fees, and the event organisers but the biggest round of applause was for the young DYBA bowlers who were asked to step up and become instant coaches/instructors explaining to the adults how the skills should be performed and how the scoring worked. They did an outstanding job, well done Tom, Max, Matthew, Aimee, Hannah, Maria, Emma, Leo and Marc you were awesome.

A few of the comments heard during the event:

“I have gained new respect for my daughters bowling ability”

“Have you seen all those raffle prizes”

“We should do this more often”

”Thats a lot harder than it looks”

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